“We Don’t Build Houses | WE BUILD HOMES.”
801 Quince St, Mitchell, SD 57301
(605) 990-4800
From large to small, executive level to entry level – each custom home is designed specifically to meet the budget and size needs of our customers.
Jeremy has had lifelong interest in building. Growing up working in a family farming environment in the midwest taught him a hard work ethic from a young age. It is with that upbringing that has instilled the needed tools and capabilities to pioneer the construction company he has built today… Jensen Design Build, LLC., a Division of Jensen Capital & Development, LLC. Taking interest in construction and starting at the bottom in the mid-90’s as an employee for a locally owned lumber company, Jeremy began to learn the intricacies of lumber, building materials, buying power, and logistics.
Progressing through the next decade brought completing a degree in Building Trades, Construction Management, and Drafting, and moving forward to employment with entities such as a local lumber company and general contracting and building firm. It is with that background that he began to formulate his own building company that would strive to service the needs lacking in the current market from bringing affordable pricing to buyers and gathering a group of like-minded individuals with knowledge in construction and the same drive to be the best. From that point and now over 20+ years later in the construction industry, Jensen Design Build was formed and is growing strong along with the development division of Jensen Capital & Development. Along with his specific team of professionals, Jeremy has built an empire which has become an established industry leader in South Dakota housing development and construction where customers come first and team members are family.
Jeremy Jensen, Owner
“We Don’t Build Houses | WE BUILD HOMES.”
801 Quince St, Mitchell, SD 57301
(605) 990-4800
Copyright © 2020. All rights reserved.